While on my way home from the post office yesterday I saw this.

We're almost there when it come to these prices...
On the bottom it references an exhibit being held at
(The Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts),
in Brooklyn called:
The Gentrification of Brooklyn:
The Pink Elephant Speaks
I went to the opening reception for this exhibit back in February.
You can check out some flicks from the exhibit by clicking here,
but trust seeming them for yourself wouldn't be a bad idea
and MoCADA has a great gift store.
I went with my girl Laalita, who is a true wealth of info on all things.
You can check out her blog for inexpensive and fun things to
do the next time you're out in LaLa Land.
MoCADA is located at 80 Hansen Place
(@ the corner of S. Oxford St.)
in Brooklyn, NY 11217.
Lately, while rolling around my neighborhood I've seen these
random .
I'm not sure if this is related to the exhibit as well,
but it definitely make you say, " Hmmm"
It was about a block from the one above.

From the pesticides maybe???
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