NJV a.k.a Not Just Vintage.

Most of the clothing in the store is vintage but she does have some really cute stuff by a few designers, one being Alicia P. who makes some great jewelry from leather and hand paints on canvas and t-shirts (got one of those too).
Brooklyn All Day Baby! More Alicia P. Designs...
The first time I was there I got some really cute accessories and the tank...on my last visit I got the cutest turquoise belt, super vintage looking. Not quite sure how to rock it yet but I'm sure I'll come up with something. I just happened to pick up some great pumps from Aldo and I realized that they are also the exact same tint of turquoise...WHOO HOO!

Anyway, the best part of all this is that they are crazy reasonably priced. My belt was only $15 and I think the hand painted tank was like $20 or $25...can't beat that with a bat!
And to top it all off they are having a SAMPLE SALE on Saturday, JUNE 27th...

Happy shopping and may all your purchases be TRE CUTACIOUS!
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