Sunday, August 30, 2009
You Better Get Right With God!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Way back Wednesday...Adina Howard
Adina Howard-Freak Like Me
Some might say she was an early R&B version of Lil Kim, but plenty of freaky female artists came before her (Milli Jackson etc.) but she was definitely banded my my Momma.
People would probably think she's not nearly sexy (or naked) enough
by today's standards (GASP, No weave!) but for '95 this was pretty raunchy.
In 2004 Adina released the song Nasty Grind, bearing much fewer
articles of clothing and still bringing the sexy. She looks great!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tangy Tuesday - Tart & Tangy...
Now that's an old glass of TANG right there!
I was outside the other day, chatting with some of my neighbors when I heard 2 people laughing and giggling so hard it made me smile instantly. When I turned to see where the sound was coming from I saw this lovely Queen and his friend chuckling their way down the block...
The Swine Flu is Back
Well it's almost time to send the kiddies back to school and just in time to give us all a serious case of the heebee geebees, a report from the U.S. Presidential advisory group was released today stating that the swine flu a.k.a the H1N1 virus could potentially infect half of the U.S. population during the upcoming fall and winter season.
On average 36,000 Americans die from the seasonal flu every year. Most of these are cases of the elderly, infants/babies or people with existing health issues. Though that number sounds high, because our bodies have no defence against the H1N1 strain, we are at a much higher risk.
I was rolling to DC on one of those Chinese buses when the first outbreak happened.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) lists these tips to help keep you swine flu free.
- Get a flu vaccine.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.
- Dispose of each tissue after use.
- Wash hands often and when no possible use an alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
- Try to avoid contact with sick people.
- If you feel like you might be sick, stay home for at least 24 hours AFTER your fever is gone (without the use of medication).
- While you are sick, limit your contact with people as much as possible.
- Take anti-viral drugs (if your doctor recommends them) within the first 2 days of you symptoms.
Being in NY, sadly we have a wonderful breading ground for the swine flu and all their germ friends....the subway system! Millions of people in a tunnel with no real ventilation. It's a germs wet dream, so please be careful and think about putting some alcohol in a spray bottle and carrying that with you.
It comes in very handy in plenty of situation but especially when you have to hold a pole on the train.
And if you see a pack of these, N95 masks, on the counter at your local drug store...grab a box or 2. It can't hurt.Sunday, August 23, 2009
Brooklyn, We Go Hard!
Peep this video of 2 families fighting in Brookdale Hospital in Brooklyn late at night...
Ole girl getting a few licks in early witht he cane had me cracking but dude in the black and white striped shirt needs a beat down for sucker punching chicks and then backing up.
And just so you don't think it's only us Brooklynites who get buck, here's a video of some Koreans wilding out during a meeting of the Parliament.
Granted they are probably fighting over something that effects the lives of millions of people, but ignorant is ignorant.
And is it just me or do they look like a bunch of toddlers fighting? All that screaming and flailing of the arms and barley a punch landed. Just wearing themselves out!
Saturday, August 22, 2009 not from New Jersey...Uh Uh!
Reverend Charles Needs Some Help - Watch more Funny Videos
I'd put money on the fact that if you let this man baptize you it would be done in the corn liquor he makes in his bath tub after his in home Sunday morning service!
Go ahead and give the 'Reben Charles" a call so he can come get his donation!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
OOOO, HIS Lip Gloss Is Poppin'
I know it's not Tuesday but I got a real TANGY taste in my mouth when I saw this picture...
I know D. Wade left his wife and started getting a taste for the swirl and I've heard some stories about Quentin, (right Brandy???) but don't go this far to the left Bro...back away from the Lip Gloss (and the TANG)!
Who's Gonna Run This Town Tonight?
So we all know Jay-Z's new song, Run This Town featuring Rihanna & Kanye West (ICK!) is the hotness out right now.
Well my boy DJ Jeff Haze
had a link to the full video on his page so I snagged it for ya...
By the way, he'll be spinning at The Lox Lounge in Brooklyn tonight
(and every Thursday) located @
15 Putnam Ave @ the corner of Grand & Fulton. Tel: 718.930.1316.
Now I'm feeling the song and video just as much as the next person...I peeped the Tre Cutacious Warriors references here and there, but for real, I'm in a state of total shock by Rihanna's fashion. Yet again the woman has brought us straight FIRE.
If you are a P.E.T.A. supporter stop reading NOW.
Now ladies, I know it's not always realistic to rock a hat with a black veil or fur accents when it's 80 degrees outside (I've done both though...WHAT?... Say something!) but just in case you are feeling gutsy, I've got a great idea for you.
Roll on over to New York's Fashion District (around 38th street & 7th avenue) and buy a fox pelt. I got mine about 3 years back for about $40 bucks. Not every fabric store around there has then but just roll on in and ask if they sell "whole animal pelts". My tag read, "Rio Negro Foxskin".
I prefer getting the whole ones because they are cheaper and you can cut them to your liking and can use any scraps for other projects, like a fur cuff or to accent a pair of boring shoes. Be ready to see a tooth or a paw or something so woman up and just trim that stuff off.
Guess you can tell I'm no P.E.T.A. person...they throw some paint on me and I'm skinning them and rocking them next season!
Anyway, you can either pin the fur to one shoulder or sleeve of a cropped jacket or vest or wrap it around your shoulders for a "stole effect'.
For this look you'd need about 3 pelts
Now get out there and Run This Town Tonight!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Only In New York...
Well she's good cause Mama whipped out her phone and snapped a few pictures. The one of him trying to get onto the other side didn't come out as clearly as the others but here you go...
I'm not even mad at the brother, as high as the train fair is if I needed the other side and didn't have a transfer I might try it.
Way Back Wednesday...Crush on You
Well they do say the summertime makes people frisky &
all that so head out in this HEAT WAVE and find your newest crush...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tangy Tuesday...Vogue Evolution!
An ex of mine actually got me watching America's Best Dance Crew about 2 seasons ago. At first I was a little concerned to see my man watching the show with such intensity but after a while I got sucked in too. I didn't watch last season but once I heard about these lovely ladies strutting their stuff on the cat walk I knew I was going to be tuning in.
Vogue Evolution is an all gay dance troop taking center stage and bringing a new style of dance to light. The five member group was formed in early 2008 and has been performing in the underground vogue and house/ball culture ever since. The Historic House-Ball Culture in NYC has been around since the Harlem Renaissance...who knew???
Well it looks like Vogue Evolution may bring their style of dance to main stream...I'm sure I'll see a duck walk and one leg drop in the club before the summer is up...OK off to practice I go....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Way Back Wednesday...Hi-Five!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tangy Tuesday...Private Dancer!
He'll do what you want him to do!
Monday, August 10, 2009
How Much is That Doggie In the Window?
Ain't he cute...
Friday, August 7, 2009
I'm Not Saying, But I'm Saying...
It as proven today that the death of TV Pitchman, Billy Mays was cocaine related. Billy died at the age of 50, on June 28th of this year of heart disease.
He Needs to Be Neutered!
Shout out to CHICO for sending this hot mess of a man!
Well Looky Here, Looky Here...
Sorry I Offended myself with that one...Oops!
Pon De Floor
My girl Laalita (thanks Sweet Pea) sent me this, telling me it was a mock Dancehall video.
'Ya gotta come out to ATL and we can dagger some of these breezies'.
F.Y.I. I will never be going back to another West Indian perty in my life.
Bang it Baby!
Does this man have any family?
By the time he spends up all his money trying to combat the bad publicity
The actual song he was dancing to was a Chris Brown joint but this is way funnier.
Face Fighting
Truthfully though, I think really boils down to the fact that many black women have self esteem issues for a host of reasons. Many times their worth is directly related to how they feel they look, or how they feel they are being perceived by others. So when someone they feel looks better than them or that they see as some sort of threat, comes on the scene, they go into defense mode...Just my take.
Get Ready to Clutch Your Pearls...
Lady GaGa was born a hermaphrodite...yup you read it right!
She was supposedly born with both, a peen and a v-jay-jay and has not had either removed.
"Its not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that I go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female. Its just a little bit of a penis and really doesn’t interfere much with my life. the reason I haven’t talked about it is that its not a big deal to me. like come on. its not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I’m sexy, I’m hot. I have both a poon and a peener. big f*cking deal. "
APB, APB...I'm putting out an All Points Bulletin...
I got them from a 7-11 while I was in Baltimore, MD about a month ago and love them.
Now that I'm back in NY I have been on a serious hunt for them and have had no luck...
Has anyone out there seen them in
BK or the surrounding NYC area in general ?
Bad Breakup?
That's Shanna Barker, Travis Barker's on again, off again, on again, off again etc. ex-wife.

Take that!

Why isn't he bleeding???

Shout out to Mika for sending these to me. 'Preciate it!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sherri Shepard is Dayummmn Lie...
- First off, the back of that bathing suit is probably cut wide open;
- Second that's a 'Miracle' bathing suit for real;
- Third I'd bet my MJ money the moment she took a breathe she passed the hell out.

And she wasn't a 16 in the inset above either, Hmph!
Why does these Hollywerid women insist on telling us lies like we are deaf, dumb and blind?
And they wonder why we have complexes.
Congratulations Sonia Sotomayor!

Give this sister a high 5 y'all!
Most of us know that it was a rocky road for Judge Sotamayor and I'm not just talking about the story they love to tell on the news about her "struggle as she rose from ghetto of a Bronx, NY project to the Supreme Court" (in my best Celie from the Color Purple voice). I'm talking about hoe badly the media talked about her. She deserves her win and I send out a HUGE congratulations to her again!
As Barack did a while back, brush that dirt off your shoulder!
Puffy Might Want to Get Some Bigger Goons
Did you know that while serving the 8 of his 10 year sentence the rapper formally known as Shyne a.k.a. Jamel Barrow became an Orthodox Jew and changed his name to Moses Michael Leviey.
Full story over @ :
I guess if Puffy doesn't turn 'em out he turns 'em to religion...first Mase, then Loon, now Shyne.

I offended myself with this one...sorry had to do it.
Wishing Moses the best of luck!
Which is Worse?
I mean I know I'm not a man or anything but if I was, I know for sure I would NOT want to look down and see Michael's jheri curled a$$ staring back at I guess Butterfly Bytch wins...So Sad!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ambiguous Jewelry Design Sample Sale

TIME: 2PM ------------------------ 9PM
All Major credit Cards will be accepted.
Way Back Wednesday-THE BOYS

I was 100% convinced that Hakim was going to be my first ex-husband. I carefully removed every poster of The BOYS I could find in Word Up! or any other magazine I could get my hands on. They were all over my walls and ceiling. (Along with Big Daddy Kane and LL Cool J, my 2nd and 3rd ex-husbands.)
Anyway, enjoy the flashback and be ready to burst out into laughter a few time but for sure at the 1:56 mark, when lil' Tajh busts out in a serious stripper move!

Here's a il bonus slow jam for ya...Happy by The Boyz staring Larenz Tate and 'Zeus' Lister Jr. (aka Debo).
Oh Snap...Peep Hakim...LOVE IT!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Check out see these and other great designs!
Purify Yourself in the Waters of Lake Minnetonka...
This Thursday, August 6th @ 7:30 CELEBRATE BROOKLYN will be honoring
PURPLE RAIN, the legendary movie and album with a sing-a-long and screening @
The Prospect Park Bandshell in Brooklyn
More information and directions @
*Please be aware that Purple Rain is rated R and no one under the age on 17 will be admitted without an adult.
You can be sure people will be pulling out their best Prince-esque gear and brushing all their hair to one side and I'll be right along with 'em.
I'm warning you in advance...get your mind ready to see some chicks dressed like this...
see Purple Rain and Crush Groove (back when they had double features)
at the Slave 1 Theatre on Fulton Street in Brooklyn with my Uncle Asi...R.I.P!
Happy Birthday Mr. President...
I'm throwing a party for Barack over at my spot today, wanna come?
I know my girl Vena wishes she could jump
out of this cake but I tried to tell her, Michelle
will cut her clean to the white meat!
Here are a few other shots of Barack...
Here he is drunk talking after finishing off my Sangria @

They've got some pretty banging Mexican food and a pretty good Sangria too.
Here he is practicing for the inauguration the next morning @ Nikki's house.

And here he is posing with some of his Inauguration Memorabilia.

I wasn't really sure how I felt about Hennessy jumping on the Presidential bandwagon until I found that a percentage of proceeds of the 180,000 bottles produced are being donated to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund which awards scholarships to students attending historically Black colleges.